Repair and Strengthen Your Deck Before It’s Too Late

Property owners in Belleville, Illinois who see their decks deteriorating need to contact an expert as soon as possible. Professionals are trained in helping repair and strengthen various components before replacing them entirely.

If moisture is trapped in beams and joists, they can rot. This could happen when they are attached to another wooden structure or where screws are used.

Damaged Decking

This could be a sign of damage if your deck is experiencing moisture or water leakage. It may also show signs of decay or wood rot. It is important to act quickly in order to ensure your safety and the safety of those who use your deck.

If the damage is limited, you can usually repair it yourself; however, if the rot is extensive you may require replacing the entire deck.

No matter the task at hand – staining or otherwise – use only products suitable to your situation and consult a professional handyman if uncertain about which to choose. For accurate advice and help with repairs, call an estimator.

Additionally, inspect the posts connecting your deck to your house. Each post`s base should be checked for signs of rot, such as soft or mushy spots at the base; and loose or missing screws or nails.

Damaged Railings

Deck railings, whether made of wood or vinyl, serve two primary functions. First, they create a safe perimeter around your porch or deck and secondly they prevent people from falling off stairs or decks and becoming injured or dead.

As with other components of your deck, railings must also be monitored carefully for signs that they have become damaged, such as cracking or rotting.

Cracked railings pose the risk of injury to anyone nearby; while rotted ones allow water to seep into their material and foster mold growth.

Contact a professional for help repairing damaged railings. A professional contractor will have the knowledge and tools to ensure you are safe during inspection.

Damaged Stairs

Stairs can be one of the most dangerous features in any home or business. Falling can cause physical and emotional trauma.

To prevent accidents on the stairs, it`s vitally important that they`re regularly inspected. Doing this will allow you to identify problems that require repair while also taking measures to lower the likelihood of falls.

Broken, wobbly or rotted stairs are an immense danger if left unaddressed; but with the proper tools and knowledge they can be repaired on your own.

A thorough inspection will reveal the key components of a staircase such as the carriage stringer, which supports it in its center, closed or open strings, treads, and risers.

Rotted Spots

Apart from inspecting for rotted wood on your deck itself, it is also important to inspect its posts, railings and other structural elements – posts like posts and railings as well as structural members such as railings – which hold it together. Look out for cracks or any issues which could compromise safety for both family members or guests using it.

Graf recommends using a screwdriver to inspect posts that contact ground level, including posts that contact with foundations or the foundation itself. If you can sink the tip of your screwdriver into any part of the post or joist, it means there is damage that needs to be repaired – most likely rot.

Test for dry rot by checking where posts meet soil, where moisture can pool and pool into dark or gray patches on wood surfaces, with wetness causing flaking off or feel spongy to touch or flaking off entirely; this type of decay could indicate serious wood decay that compromises both your deck`s structure and home foundations.
